TRaining for Energy Consumers Empowerment
2019-1-ES01-KA202-064495 |
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein |
TRECE Project is a training program for energy consumer empowerment
in Spain, Greece, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania. TRECE Project
addresses energy poverty through actively involving citizens and social
agents in the design and development of its training solutions, as well as
by tailoring information to user characteristics, ensuring acceptability and
active participation.
Διαθέσιμα μαθήματα
TRECE - Обучение за овластяване на потребителите на енергия
- Διδάσκων: Nadya Nikolova
TRECE - Κατάρτιση για την Ενίσχυση των Καταναλωτών Ενέργειας
- Διδάσκων: Efi Mavrou
Proyecto de capacitación para el empoderamiento de los consumidores de energía – TRECE
- Διδάσκων: elena tylko
TRECE - Instruire pentru abilitarea consumatorilor de energie
- Διδάσκων: Nicoleta Ion
- Διδάσκων: Catinca Mandita
- Διδάσκων: Cristian Tantareanu
TRECE - Usposabljanje za opolnomočenje energetskih potrošnikov
- Διδάσκων: Suzana Krmelj